Teach You Blackjack Card Counting


Online & Live CasinosUSA Seller ~5 Stars~

Over 120 Pages of Content

Movies make blackjack card counting seem impossibly hard. What casinos don't want you to know is how easy it is to gain a consistent mathematical advantage at blackjack. Blackjack is the ONLY casino game offering the player an advantage over the house. I will show you exactly how to take that advantage.

The same method used by the M.I.T. Counting Team

Blackjack card counting is not illegal. Counters are using nothing but their brain and a little math. How much money can a little math make you? It's not unlikely to win $1000 in one night. At high stakes tables, $10,000 a night is not out of reach.

Includes step by step counting lessons
  • Basic strategy to "play by the book"

  • What counting means an how to choose a count

  • How to keep count at the table

  • When to bet for maximum profit

  • Free digital flash cards for simple memorization

  • Advanced variations to further push your advantage

  • Standard deviation formulas to find your exact risk and profit

My lessons include absolutely everything you need to count cards successfully. Even if you've never played blackjack, I can teach you how to win in no time at all.

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Let me know how practice goes. See you at the tables

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