Help You Set Up Your Mentoring Business


This course will help you start your own business, helping others. This mentoring course will give you the ability to help others, help themselves. You will learn how to guide others towards becoming the best they can be.

There are many common issues that plague us some are mentioned above.. At the end of this course you should feel confident to guide others feel energised to shake off  what is holding them back. From those struggling with weight issues to those who have a lack of passion....You will be able to spot their 'lack' from the words they use to describe their issue.

Listening may be something you take for granted, here you will learn that what is not said is as important as what is said. This course will be tailored you your needs...Many courses are one size fits all, with the hope that everyone who joins will understand or grasp its concepts. Once the fees are paid you are on your own......This course is different, you will be allocated a mentor who will be there to answer any questions, via phone, skype or email. You will be guided through the course, at the end offered paying clients to work with, in essence you should be able to recoup your course fees back.


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